Friends in Action is a rehabilitation Clubhouse, sponsored by BJC Behavioral Health, supporting members on their recovery path. The Clubhouse day is centered on members and staff partnering to complete the work of the Clubhouse. Each member is needed, wanted and expected at Clubhouse. When a member misses a day, he or she is truly missed!
Members use their skills and talents every day at Clubhouse. Through the support of Clubhouse, recovery is possible -- allowing adults with mental illness to integrate back into the community. While building relationships at Clubhouse, members have the opportunity to engage in meaningful work in a safe and secure place.
At Friends in Action, the work is divided into several different areas, from which members can choose according to their own areas of interest:
- administrative/clerical
- culinary/food service
- fundraising
- fine arts/creative arts
- maintenance/housekeeping
- employment/education
Friends in Action uses a work-ordered day, which includes doing everything needed to run the Clubhouse -- keeping it clean and organized as well as coordinating fundraising efforts, scrapbooking, the floral shop, gardening, administrative tasks and cooking. The work-ordered day allows members to become invested in running the Clubhouse. As they take on more responsibility for Clubhouse operations, their commitment grows.
In addition to the work-ordered day, Clubhouse offers:
- EWH (Evening, Weekend, Holiday) Program - Social/leisure activities are held during evening, weekend and holiday hours for members and staff to engage in social events. Often family members also join in the fun.
- Advocacy/Education - Clubhouse helps its members stay up-to-date with political and mental health issues through local events, NAMI meetings, conferences, Hill Day in Jefferson City, Chamber meetings, etc.
- Outreach/Reach Out – This team stays in touch with members who are in the hospital or isolated at home through phone calls, letters/cards or personal visits. This team is also responsible for all tours and orientations of new members.
- Fundraising- The Clubhouse has fundraisers periodically to build relationships and educate the community about the Clubhouse. Funds raised allow members and staff to attend educational conferences.
- Employment/Education - Clubhouse will support members in both aspects.
- Community Support - Clubhouse supports members on an as needed basis depending on individual needs.
View the Clubhouse Med Talk video to learn more.